Georgia – Endless Opportunity
3 top USPs of Georgia
Since USSR, Georgia was always top Touristic destination for soviet residents. Since collapse of “Iron curtain” Georgia started presenting its unique features and attractions to the rest of the world. Since 2004 tourism is developing very fast and numbers are growing. Every year more investments are made in the field and quality of services is being improved. So far key selling points for Georgia are:
- Marvelous Nature
- Ancient History
- Unique (exotic) Culture

Resort Types in Georgia
Resorts in Georgia can be clustered on several categories. As country is blessed to have four distinct seasons (3 month each) it stays interesting any time of the year, but we offer to brake resort types on three major categories:
- Summer Resorts
- Winter Resorts
- Universal Resorts
According to their location or specifics they offer activities and attractions relevant to the season
In accordance to the interests of the visitors we can distinct Urban and Rural resorts types. Country offers visitors closeness to the nature, like forests, waterfalls, untouched lakes and mountain picks, as well as urban experience, close interaction with culture, traditions, and people.
Natural Healing and Spa Resorts always were and still are in top most popular attractions of Georgia. Vulcanic Caucasian mountain range is reach with thermal mineral springs utilized for medical and recreational purposes
Summer Resorts
Summer still stays as the Major season for tourism. Big majority of Cultural, Entertaining or Marketing Events take place in summer. All areas of the country become accessible and contrasting nature of valley areas and high mountains become tangible. One of the top destinations in summer are:
Top activities offered by Georgian Travel
Master Classes & Degustation
There is no better way to get introduced to a new culture rather to try food, degust wine and try to make something with your own hands. Master Classes and Degustation are important part of our offered experiences by Georgian Travel
According to Georgian folk saying “if one seeks, one finds” and We are happy to help any adventure seeker to find what they are looking for. According to the season or weather we have provided different services, starting from 4×4 tours to hiking expeditions.
Georgian Culture
Georgian dance is a celebration of life and of Georgia’s rich and diverse culture. Each dance portrays the characteristics of the region in which it originated. The mountain dances are different from lowland dances. The costumes are different for every dance and resemble the clothing of the past in different regions of Georgia.
…Georgia is the only country in the world where winemaking methods that were developed up to 8,000 years ago have not been abandoned, but remain in many ways best practice.
…Where the
vine is rooted in the heart.
About Georgian Travel
Staff – 6 + 15
Local Partners – 200+
Visitors Per Year – 5000+
Tours Per Year – 2000+
Lithuania, Latvia, Russia,
England, Poland, UAE
India, Germany
Israel, Japan…
Georgian Travel have been operating on market for 5 years already. For these years we managed to gather valuable experience in popular, demanded service provision as well as create some unique products to position ourselves on market. We create products that are comforting as for clients as for our international partners. Our know how of operating in Tourism has been proven to be working efficiently by feedbacks of our partners and guests.
Group Consistency
- Private Tours
- Group Tours
- Fix Date tours
Additional Services
- Transportation
- Transfers
- Hotel Reservation
Tour Content
- Tailor Made Tours
- Pilgrim Tours
- History and Culture Tours
- Wine & Culinary Tours
- Adventure Tours
- Hiking/Trekking
- 4×4 Tours
- Quests
- Conferences
- Team buildings
- Capacity building activities
- Weddings
- Birthday Parties
- Anniversaries
Information about Georgia
Location: in the Near East and the Middle East, in the western part of the Caucasus on the eastern coast of the Black Sea.
Area: 69,700 sq km
Population: 4,497,600 people (2012 y.)
Ethnic composition: 83.7% Georgians, Armenians 5.7%, Russian 1.5%, 6.5% Azerbaijanis
Capital: Tbilisi
Official Language: Georgian
Religion: Orthodox Christian 65%, Muslim 11%, Roman Catholic 8%
Time: UTC +4
Electricity: 220 V AC, 50 A; standard two-pin plug socket
Internet Zone: .ge
International dialing code: +995
Currency: Lari (GEL)
Georgian flag was adopted in 2004 in January. The flag, which is a white canvas with 5 red crosses, the center is St George’s cross and four equilateral Bollnisskih cross, located in the four squares. White color according Heraldry points to the wisdom, purity, innocence (purity), while red symbolizes bravery, courage, love and justice.
At the moment, there are 94 countries for which Georgia is visa-free for 90 days, and Russia is one of such countries.
For the arrival in Georgia, you must have a passport. In this passport at the border will put an entry stamp of Georgia. From this point it can be found in Georgia 90 days, after which you need to leave the country – in this case in the passport will be stamped and visiting Georgian entry stamp of the country. You can leave the country and enter back, but in a period of 180 days you can spend in Georgia for more than 90 days in total.
Customs regulations
Import of foreign currency is unlimited, national no more than 25,000 GEL. Permit the withdrawal of imported foreign currency within one year from the date of entry, a national – not more than 3000 GEL. The import of weapons and explosives, drugs, literature tarnishing the state system. The export of items of historical and cultural value.
The Republic of Georgia is located in the southeast of Europe and occupies the central and western part of Transcaucasia. It bordered on the north by Russia, to the east by Azerbaijan, to the south by Turkey and Armenia. On the west by the Black Sea. The territory of Georgia mostly mountainous, more than a third cover dense forests. In the north of the border with Russia passes through the main ridge of the Caucasus Mountains, where there are the highest point of the country, the highest of which is Mount Shkhara (5068 m). Lesser Caucasus mountain range runs along the south of Georgia, where the highest point does not exceed 3,000 meters. The total area of 69.7 square kilometers.
Georgia’s climate depends on the region. In the west of the country the climate is subtropical, and on the east goes from subtropical to temperate. Despite the fact that a large impact on the climate of the country have the mountains, warm air from the Black Sea and reaches the most remote parts of Georgia. On average, in January, the temperature is kept in the range from +3 to +9 C in the Colchis lowland and in Ajara, and does not drop below -2 C in the Iberian Basin. However, in mountain areas, the temperature can drop to -16-20 C, and during the long summer, the weather is mostly hot, and average temperature in August is 23 C – 26 C almost the entire territory of Georgia. Maximum precipitation occurs in the winter and fall throughout the country. Snow falls mostly in the mountainous areas in November and does not melt until late spring. The climate of Georgia is favorable for year-round recreation and treatment, the nature of a permanent pets plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Religion Orthodox Christianity (Georgia – one of the first countries to adopt Christianity as a state religion in 337 AD), a very tolerant attitude towards other religions, there are Muslims, Catholics and others.
On the territory of the Republic of Georgia adopted a national currency “Lari» (GEL). One GEL is equivalent to 100 TETRA. It was put into circulation during the rule of Eduard Shevardnadze in 1995. In circulation are banknotes following par – 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 GEL. Also gold coins used in Georgia denomination 5, 10, 20, 50 tetri, 1, 2, 500 and 1000 GEL.
Can be used in major hotels and supermarkets VISA credit card, Eurocard / Mastercard and Cirrus / Maestro, private shops, hotels, and in the province pay them almost impossible.
The most popular resorts of Georgia are Batumi, Borjomi, Sairme, Tskhaltubo, and etc. In the capital city, Tbilisi, is very popular among tourists are the monastery of Saint David, built in the VI century, are also encouraged to visit the Sioni Cathedral, built in the V century. And, of course, the famous Georgian museums that will hold you dear history of this complex, but friendly people.
Water Georgia is famous for its mineral springs. On the territory of the republic there are 22 main sources of mineral waters, the most famous of which are “Sairme”, “Nabeglavi”, “Borjomi” and others. Georgia delivers its healing mineral water in more than 25 countries.
Georgian cuisine Food for Georgians – is not just an ordinary meal, for some nationalities, and one of the most important parts of Georgian culture. Georgian cuisine has retained a certain traditions of its people. Many dishes of Georgian are meat dishes. Among them we can highlight dishes such as Georgian shashlik – “mtsavadi”, Georgian dumplings seasoned with aromatic spices pork – “khinkali” ham dish – “Lori”, Georgian smoked sausages – “kupaty” and much more. Oh, and do not forget dishes of greens! After all, the Georgians can not imagine a meal without fresh herbs – fruit and vegetables! Therefore, green is always present in any dish of Georgian cuisine. Special compliments deserves Georgian cheese. You can not imagine how Georgia loves cheese! As with herbs, cheese, use as an ingredient in practically every Georgian dish! The most famous cheese is a delicacy delicious cheesecake – “khachapuri” so well known to us!
Georgian wines
Wine – it’s something for which people around the world love Georgian food! Wine – a real national pride of Georgians! After all, it is here, in Georgia, there was a culture of grape growing and winemaking. This may indicate some of the finds made by archaeologists. Science has proven that even in the VI century BC, people living in these areas, producing wine. Georgian wine – this is something special! These wines are not similar to other countries in the wine. In Georgia, there are some tradition of this wonderful drink that each producer respect and observe. Unlike France or Italy, the wines are aged in Georgia is not in glass bottles and jars in the special – “kvevri”. Largely because of this, the Georgian wines have a unique and original flavor! Here are a few brands of Georgian wine – “Kindzmarauli”, “Manavi”, “Mukuzani”, “Napareuli”, “Alazani Valley”, “Akhasheni”, “Hvanchkara”, “Tsolikouri”, “Chkhaveri”, “Argveta”, “Kardanakhi “,” Hirsi “,” Psou “,” very “,” Eniseli “and others. If you have the chance, be sure to try Georgian wine! You will not regret!
The shops
Normally open from 10:00 to 20:00, a large number of shops and supermarkets around the clock. Fairs and markets are working seven days a week.
Georgian banks
Georgia, a lot of banks. Many Georgian banks work from 9:00 to 19:00 mode. There are, of course, the banks that begin or end time before / after this time, but the majority of banks in Georgia is working on this schedule. Therefore, in Georgia is very relevant currency exchange. Many banks offer this service. In many cities, in addition to banks, there are special exchange offices. In the capital of Georgia – Tbilisi, in addition to US dollars and GEL in circulation are also used credit cards – VISA, Eurocard, Mastercard, Cirrus and Maestro. Basically, they can be used in some luxury hotels, large stores or banks. In other places you have to pay in cash!
Photographing in Georgia
Tourists are allowed to take pictures in Georgia various attractions and other interesting places them, with the exception of airports, railway stations, metro and some Orthodox churches. Your guide will explain you for sure where you can take pictures and what not!
Buying souvenirs in Georgia
In Georgia, you can purchase a variety of unique souvenirs and gifts for friends. It is very well developed jewelry and handicrafts.